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Ely DEF runs events that are open to all, with the aim of fostering fellowship and contributing to the wider life of the Church. We maintain an e-mail list that advertises these events, which you can join below.
As a local association of the Church of England Evangelical Council, we also have a formal membership with a basis of faith (which is that of CEEC). You can read this on the Basis of Faith page. As part of being a member, we'd very much appreciate it if yourself or your church could give to the work of the DEF. Our suggested amount is £10 per member.
If you'd like to sign up for the e-mail list or to become a member, you can do so here.
Membership Form
Find Out More or Join
You can use the form below to join our e-mail list or to sign up to be a member.
Giving to DEF
Ely DEF is led by volunteers, both lay and ordained, but does have a number of small overheads throughout the year.
If you feel able to give to the work of the DEF please use the bank details below. We would love it if you were able to see if your church could also give a small gift towards our work.
Account Name: Ely DEF (Full name is Ely Diocesan Evangelical Fellowship)
Sort code: 40-16-08
Account Number: 54615808
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